Course curriculum

    1. Introducing Storylining

    2. Challenge - Introduction to Storylining

    3. Thinking skills for distilling more powerful insights

    4. Challenge - Thinking Skills

    5. Strategies for 'hacking' templates

    6. Challenge - Hacking Templates

    1. Design your strategy

    2. Challenge - Design your strategy

    1. Introductions (CTQ)

    2. Challenge: Introductions (CTQ)

    3. The 'so what'

    4. Challenge: The So What

    5. Groupings Storylines

    6. Challenge: Grouping Storylines

    7. Deductive Storylines

    8. Challenge: Deductive Storylines

    1. Communicate Verbally

    2. Challenge: Communication Verbally

    3. PowerPoint

    4. Challenge: PowerPoint

    5. Prose Communications

    6. Challenge: Prose Communications

    1. Resources and Wrap

    2. Reflection

About this course

  • $190.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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